October 27, 2009


I am feeling very sad.

One of my students, one who I 've been teaching since I started at this center, is moving to Dubai. She has been "my" student since we started. I have taught her everyday, including Saturdays, and have helped to take care of her in the afternoons.

She was here for morning and afternoon classes. She is a wonderful little seven year old who is intelligent and playful. I dealt with her so much that I became very fond of her. I think of her as a niece of sorts.

Her leaving is a very sad thing for me.

I hope that she'll be happy in Dubai, but she will be missed very much.

October 25, 2009


Ok, I have been really bad about posting lately. I've been too tired or lazy to post.

Recently I have been helping sort something out for Siew's Cousin and his friend. They have a business deal in the states that they need help with but have problems with language and culture barriers. So, Siew and I are helping to bridge this gap.

The party in the USA is a typical American. . . a major pain in the ass with the sense of a rock (I most certainly apologize to any rocks out there that may be offended with me comparing them to Americans!). He is very bad about replying to e-mail, and when he does he only responds to limited portions of what I ask. He is the seller in this deal, but he seems to think that we owe him, rather than being eager to help get things settled so he can get paid.

In order to help things out, it seems I will have to go to the States and monitor the loading and sealing of the container, and hopefully see it out the door from the warehouse.

This trip is going to be horribly rushed, 7 days total, 4 of which I'll be sitting in a plane seat. I will, however, have a chance to get a few things from the States that are harder to get here in Malaysia. Oh, you want to know what could be obtained more easily there? Ok, let me tell you:

Poweredge (energy drink powder)

Socks and underwear cost more in Malaysia and something that will fit me more comfortably is hard to find. Poweredge because it's cheap, light and I like it. Hydrocortisone for the skin at the joints of my legs and arms that is irritated from sweat (Malaysia is hot!). Lactase to make lactose free milk for Siew.

There are other things, but I can't think of what at the moment.

In order to be able to remain in contact with Siew and the others we needed to buy a laptop. We went to one place that everyone suggested. That place had lots of computers, but the prices were not competitive. You would think that people would drop their prices if everyone is competing in the same place, but apparently the rent is too high to allow that.

We did finally find a place that had better prices. We got a Samsung NP-R418 that even included a computer bag. I am very happy with the computer, so far, and it's price. Normally I do not like laptop keyboards, but this one is very comfortable!

This also means I'll be more able to write here more!

Hopefully we can get things sorted out for this upcoming trip quickly. I want it to be done with.

Siew is not going because she is pregnant. Yes, you read that right. We're going to have a child and I'm going to be something that I am scared to be, a dad.

Siew's been throwing up a lot. I am really worried about that. She can seldom keep any food in her stomach, let alone any drink. She's lost a lot of muscle and fat, she's getting to be rail-thin. I have started helping out with household chores as much as I can so she can rest. I do not want her to do anything that will make her more tired.

We went to one doctor who charged more than double the normal rates and did NOTHING to help her.

Next time we're going somewhere else. That "Dato-Doc" can go bugger himself with an anthill.

October 15, 2009

Thunder Cats Live-Action Movie?

I saw this on Youtube:

Watch Me:

Someone had a lot of time and some talent. They made their own trailer for a movie that will never be made by taking clips from movies and television, along with some of their own editing, and made this really bad-ass, fake, trailer.

I am impressed.

October 4, 2009


I really need to consider buying a laptop. . . unless someone wants to give me one or better give me a tablet pc?!

I want to write here more, but it's difficult to come home from work and write. I have pictures I want to post, but I don't have the time.

If I had a laptop I could do it during my down-time at work and that would simplify things. I could also read some of the pdf documents I want to read that I can not read comfortably on my e-book (the screen is just too small for full-sized pdf documents!).

I found out that another of the disks to my transformers collection has an issue. 2 of the VOB files are not readable! I tried contacting the company, many many times, and they have failed to respond at all. It's strange that they were so accommodating the first time around.

I was getting cyclic errors when trying to access the portions of the disk that contain those 2 files. I looked around online and found this program:

CD Check

I was able to use this program to recover the files and watch the content. It also seems to work on harddrives that have cyclic errors, however I do not have a drive that has that type of error, and would rather not have one that does!, so I cannot check that function.