December 31, 2009

Chewed Up

Well, I have been in Penang for about a week now and I have been chewed up terribly by the mosquitoes.

They sprayed this area for mosquitoes, but it didn't do any good.

I have counted at least 25 mosquito bites on my body. Even burning a mosquito coil hasn't helped.

Usually having a fan blowing helps keep them off, but not today. I was woken up by a lovely mosquito-buzzing-in-my-ear-serenade.

Otherwise the trip has been a lazy trip.

Siew's eaten a lot of Penang food. I managed not to spend any money, despite my efforts.

I looked at some computer parts I want. A new case, game controllers for pc to run Dreamcast games, printer toner and board games.

I found no deals at all.

I did, however, manage to make a decent dice tower. Later I want to improve it and decorate it, but it is functional.

It is really a neat idea. You drop the dice in the top and the dice roll down and out into a tray that prevents them from bouncing all over a table, destroy everything you've carefully setup in their paths.

Later, IF I am hardworking I'll put some pictures of it up.

I have quite a few pictures of the terrain in Cameron Highlands that I need to sort and post.

We're heading back to KL tomorrow. We'll leave in the morning when people are still sleeping off their new year's celebrations. It should be less crowded on the roads that way.

Siew had wanted to stay longer, but I said we should head back earlier. We'll need to clean the house and shop for food. We can't do that in a huge rush, so it'll be less stressful if we do it slowly.

I have to go back to work on Monday. The classes will be smaller groups again. My Tuesday and Thursday class has been scattered and I'm supposed to be given a TOFEL class that I'm not overly keen on teaching. *sigh* Well, whatever. So long as I still get paid.

December 23, 2009

What the shoes?!

Today something very strange happened to me.

I was talking to my bosses and then was preparing to leave. When I stepped out of the office to put my shoes on I did not see my shoes. I looked around all of the shoe racks and my shoes were not to be found.

Someone stole my shoes. Seriously.

I had some simple Nike brand shoes, but nothing fancy. Nothing worth stealing. They were not the cleanest, but they were not too dirty or worn. I know Nike is expensive here. . . but how many people here can wear my size?

Not many stores here sell shoes my size. You really have to look around. Not that I have feet that are super huge or anything. Depending on the brand I usually wear 10.5 to 11. My great-grandmother would say I have a good "under-standing."

So, anyway, I had to walk down the stairs, get in the car, walk up the stairs to our apartment and then take off my now very dirty and wet socks.

Not a very pleasant way for me to have to buy a new pair of shoes!

December 19, 2009

Thunder, Thunder, Thunder Claps HOOO!!!!!

Recently there has been a lot of thunder overhead.

We have had some really nice sounding storms.

The rest of the time it has been hot here.

The weird thing that I have noticed before some of the stronger storms is that there has been some very strange sounding thunder. To me it doesn't sound natural.

So here is my crazy theory about it. Someone, or thing, is creating this thunder. It is always only the FIRST thunder clap I hear that sounds off.

So, this made me come up with that crazy theory about the source of the thunder storms.


I have been trying to find some figures to use on maps for role-playing games.

I had looked almost everywhere in KL. I knew where to find them in Penang, but I was sure they would cost a lot at that shop as well.

Finally, while we were at Mid-Valley Mega Mall, I found a place selling figures that would work for what I want.

The official Dungeons and Dragons miniatures were crazy expensive. Three painted figures for the player-characters cost 46 Ringgit! A box that had two set figures and 10 random figures (could be players or monsters) cost 86.50 Ringgit! This random factor was not appealing despite the better price.

I saw a boxed game called Talisman for 87.30 (or something like that) that had 14 player figures as well as cards and things. I thought that this was a complete game.

After discussing it with Siew I decided to buy Talisman. A complete stand-alone game that I can play or use the figures for other games, it was a win-win situation.

Or not.

When I got home I did some checking. What I bought was an UPGRADE pack to change one version of Talisman to the most updated. It was NOT the complete game.

That is sad, but the figures are nice and can be used for what I want. In addition I can use the cards for other things. I have looked around, but not been able to find a printable version of Talisman that I can use this upgrade pack with.

I have found some things that go with Talisman and even old versions, but not the latest version. It seemed like it would be a neat game. But, that's ok. I have the figures, later I can even paint them, and they will work perfectly for what I wanted to find figures for originally anyway, without costing 15 Ringgit per figure! (6.25 Ringgit per figure is a lot better!)

I saw some painted figures for a game that were 12.50 for 7 random figures. Again, the random factor, and these were more like monster types of figures. Those might be worth buying later, but they don't cover the basic purpose that I want to cover.

I can always print monsters to use, but finding decent characters were not easy to find pictures of, oddly enough.

I think this will work out quite well, if my intended group of players has time to play with me!

December 18, 2009


So, I drove myself to work alone on Thursday.

Recently my class on Tuesday and Thursday evenings was canceled, so I can come home earlier on those days.

Since I have my license and it was a short day, Siew suggested that I drive myself to work. She was concerned that I would get lost though. :-P

It was nice to drive alone again. I have not done that in a long time. More so I have not driven a manual alone in a very long time.

Manual cars accelerate so much better than automatic transmission cars!

No, I was not speeding. Anyone who knows me knows I drive weird. I get to the speed limit as fast as I can and then I level out at the speed limit. I cannot do this when Siew is in the car, since she does not like it.

So, I was free to play a little while driving to and from work. More so since the traffic was very light.

It was not uncomfortable for me at all this time. I am getting used to driving on the left side of the road.

Another thing, the Myvi SXi is a really nice little car to drive. It reminds me a bit of my Geo Metro in that it is small and light and can accelerate quickly because of these facts. But, the Myvi is a much better car than the Geo ever was. Much safer too!

December 10, 2009


Well, it is official. My hard drive is dead. Seagate is going to replace the drive, but my data will be lost.


Boy or Girl?

Well, Siew is feeling better. She's not throwing up much at all now. Maybe one time per week.

So, I am weird. I have to admit that. Everyone who knows me knows that to be a fact. I am really odd.

To add weight to this claim I want to provide this evidence. I do not want to know the gender of our baby.

What?! Why?!

Well, what is the point? People have existed for centuries without knowing beforehand if it is a boy or a girl. If we were supposed to know we'd have little screens built-in or a flag sprouting from our heads saying "It's a girl!"

It is also bad for the baby to have too many ultra-sound scans. It is really bad for their ears. Why subject the little person to that just to fulfill our own curiousity, at the expense of the child's health?

So, no, I do not want to know if it is a boy or a girl. It is what it is, nothing will change it, so why not just sit back and wait until it is born and then we can tell the world with a shout "It's a ...!!!!"