Well, I'm writing a short post tonight. I have been neglecting the few people who read this. I apologize!
Things have, of course, been busy. Felix is growing fast! He can now crawl and sit up on his own from his tummy. He is trying to stand already. He is only six and a half months old! He has started eating solid food as well. We fought with him for a long time and then tried controlled crying. Now we get to, mostly, sleep through the night! He also gets tons of attention wherever we go. He always gets lots of compliments and double, triple or quadruple takes!
Siew is doing a great job taking care of him. Today she went to help her friend because her friend just had a baby and the hospital did not teach her how to breast feed. She already has one son who was not breastfed, so she wants to breastfeed her daughter (YAY!) but didn't know what to do. Siew helped her out, so, hopefully she can do things the way she wants.
I have been exercising at least 4 days a week and will continue to do so. I'm not doing a lot, but since I have a break in between classes I started taking a change of clothes with me and have been stretching and doing different exercises. I already know tons of exercises, I just didn't have the "time." I feel better from what I have done so far, but my main goal really is to burn a little fat and get my endurance back. I'm going to need it with Felix!
I also went to Bujinkan on Saturday. It was fun. One guy was annoying, but everyone in the class harassed him for being an idiot. I am too lazy to explain what he was doing. James, the instructor, has not been feeling well recently, I found out, so he asked me to teach something I know for the last half of the class. That was a bit weird, but it was fun as well. It's also good for the class, they learn something different so they are not too "locked" into Bujinkan, which is SUPPOSED to be formless in the end.
I'll try, but make no promises, to update more frequently!