June 21, 2009

Kuala Lumpur

I have a job offer here in Penang that is going to pay less than I can make elsewhere.

Siew has had nothing but junk offers/job here in Penang.

Talking with her friends, and comparing with other offers, it seems that we can both earn more money for our time, without the same level of bullshit, in Kuala Lumpur.

We have focused our sights on KL as a "land of more opportunity."

I have an interview with a place near KLCC on Wednesday. I hope that it goes well and the pay offer is acceptable.

Siew and I both just want stability right now.

It will cost a lot for us to move to KL. Siew has friends in KL that we can spend time with. She has friends here in Penang she can, and does, spend time with.

For me there isn't as much of an issue of social interaction. I have made a few friends here in Malaysia, apart from those of my wife's friends that I also call friend, but, so far, none that I am very social with. The main one that I am closer to lives in KL already.

Oh, Siew also has a job offer here in Penang. Ironic that we both get offers around the same time we decide that moving is our best option!

I am fairly certain that we can both do a lot better in KL than we are doing in Penang. Additionally, we wouldn't be living with her family.

Staying too close to her family has caused some disagreements from all quarters. Having things be just us again would be nice. If one of Siew's friends decides to share quarters with us, that's different still. We'd be starting a new household that way, instead of joining an existing household. I think that if she does share with us then we can help one another.

As a side note, I know that that same friend will also do her best to force me to learn more Mandarin ;-)

So, it seems, look out Kuala Lumpur, here we come! (probably)

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