Dear sirs,
I was driving home tonight when I had a rather uncomfortable encounter. First, let me detail the encounter, and then I will ask a question that I hope can be answered.
I was driving home when, around 8:20pm 22 November, 2010, I noticed the driver behind me was getting closer and closer to my car. I was following the speed limit posted on Jalan SS23/43 that clearly stats 50 km/j (50 kilometers per hour). I was in the right hand lane. After he was closing to within a distance of a meter I tapped my brakes to show that he was to close to me. This person then got still closer to me. I started to slow down as this happened as well. It was becoming a dangerous situation. After I slowed enough, he jerked his wheel turning suddenly to the other lane, pulled alongside me and rolled down his window yelling at me. Frustrated, I responded in kind. Then he zoomed on ahead, nearly hitting my car.
I sped up to the posted speed limit, signaled a lane change and changed to the left lane. This same person got in front of me and slowed down to a crawl. Clearly trying to evoke revenge. I followed him until we reached a traffic light, at which point I used my phone to photograph the back of his car for his license plate number. This person then got out of his car, at a traffic signal light, and approached my car.
I got partway out of my car, being uncomfortable getting out of the car at a signal light,. He scolded me saying that I was driving too slowly in the speed lane, and that that was a very dangerous thing to do. That driving like that causes accidents. I replied that this is not a highway, there is no speed lane. I also stated that he should learn some courtesy and polite/safe driving behavior. I believe he might have intended me personal injury, but he did nothing threatening other than approaching me closely. After that, he walked back to his car, took his phone and photographed my license plate, jumped into his car and sped off at very high, dangerous speed.
I am attaching the picture of the back of this person's car to this e-mail. I am distraught at how often I am tail-gated in just this manner, albeit without this threatening display, and see it done to others. I have observed this on the streets and highways. Is this the accepted method? Am I incorrect for observing the speed limits in the city, off of a highway, and being in the right lane?
I hope that this e-mail is reaching the correct people. I apologize if it is not. My wife helped me to get your e-mail addresses, but she is not 100% sure that you are the correct gentlemen to answer my question. If you are not the correct gentlemen to handle this issue, can you please direct me to the people I should contact?
Sincerest regards,
Mark Travers

The under his license is for a club of people interested in high performance cars. I would say that supports your claim of his aggressive driving/speeding. It's what he's in to. That should help your case, particularly since he took your license plate.
ReplyDeleteYup, I've been watching that site to see if the guy's picture of my tag shows up or something.
ReplyDeleteI noticed several police cars in the area that this happened in tonight. I think my e-mail had an effect!