November 29, 2008

A very beautiful wedding ceremony

Tonight our doctor friends had their wedding celebration.

They make a beautiful couple. I'm really happy for them.

When we first got there we had a chance to talk with Lennie. She looked great but she was so nervous. I tried to help her calm down a bit, but I don't think it was enough to reassure her. I felt bad for not helping her more.

I think I know how she felt. I went through something similar. When Siew and I married I was very lost and confused the whole time! I do not know enough Chinese. . . the few words I know are not enough to understand. I need to learn more.

After a bit things got started.

They were playing a dvd picture slide-show of their pre-wedding pictures and pictures of their friends, family, school et cetera.

I am not sure at what point I started to feel so sentimental, but I almost cried tonight.

Maybe it was a combination of things. I had many different thoughts running through my head tonight.
Maybe it was the noise from the loudspeaker nearby. I am not sure.

First, when seeing the picture slide-show, I realized that I do not have pictures of very many things from my childhood. I admit, I am envious of those with so many happy memories. :-)

Second, I realized that I have only been to 1 wedding involving my own friends from school. Others married later but I couldn't or didn't attend their weddings. It's a bit odd when I think about it now. I used to consider myself to be so close to my friends from school. But we have all drifted so far apart.

It's really refreshing for me to see Siew and her friends together and see how they care for one another even though so many years have passed.

With thoughts like these, and others, running through my mind I began to feel very emotional and felt close to tears.

I am really happy for Khai Meng and Lennie. I wish them the best and I want them to be happy.

I want to say something to each of you though.

Lennie, try not to let things stress you so much. You're a beautiful and intelligent woman and are more than capable of doing anything you wish. You do not require anything but yourself in life, but you have Khai Meng, so cherish him, take care of him and give him a little space from time to time.

Khai Meng, do not work too hard. Take a bit of time to let stress you do not even realize is forming go. You are a great guy and I am honored to know you. I don't think that Lennie could have anyone better for her. Make sure to always take care of Lennie and be patient with her. (but you already knew this!)

The best, always in all things, to you both!


P.S. Don't worry, when you have your child(ren later) I PROMISE not to teach anything TOO bad to them!


  1. To Mr and Mrs Chang, I'm here to promise that I'll for sure teach your child(ren later) how to protect themselves from being bully (since everyone complaining I'm fierce all the time, all girls at table 6 tonight did too):P.

  2. Mark and Siew, thank you very much for attending our wedding. We are so happy that both of you manage to come back from US. I am so honour that you actually wrote my wedding in your blog. It was a memorable and wonderful journey for both of us and we are thankful to have best friends like you and Siew to share our joy with. Mark, thank you so much for comforting me that night, i was nervous but u managed to make me feel calm. To Siew, yes i know you are very good in this and i will tell my baby Aunty Siewsiew is a good sifu. I am so glad both of you are back to Malaysia. I sincerely hope that things will be good for both of you and we can meet again soon :)
