August 26, 2009


Anyone who knows me, knows that I love cats.

I had a lot of cats around when I was growing up.

My cat, Puppy, became one of my few links to sanity until I was moved somewhere else and could never see her again.

One sound that I have a hard time with is newborn kittens mewling.

This morning I awoke to this familiar sound.

When I took the trash to the trashcan I discovered the source of the noise.

There were 4 newborn kittens huddled together near a paper bag. They were all still blind, so they couldn't have been very old.

I can still hear them tonight. What I am worried about is that someone's cat had kittens and that person literally dumped these infants into a paper bag and abandoned them. If this is the case the best thing that can be done with the kittens is to kill them as painlessly as possible.

The sound of their cries echoes readily in the valley of the apartment buildings. It reaches my ears anywhere in the house that I am, so it is hard for me to escape this emotionally torturous noise.

I want to go and check on them, but I should not. I should not allow myself to become attached to anymore animals. I am safer this way.

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