March 17, 2010

Zombies, will you survive?

I'm a fan of Zombie movies. Something about the world as we know it falling apart and you being able to smash the heads of some moronic humans certainly has a lot of appeal. Take the quiz below to see how you fare:

My Result:
Will you survive the zombies?
Your Result: The Survivor

You can do it, you have the brains and the power to survive a zombie raid. Well, now you've survivored, you can now settle down with the other survivors of the raid and discuss a good way to fix the town and how to use the zombies that didnt die as effective as possible. GOOD LUCK!

Zombie food
Will you survive the zombies?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Siew's Result:
Will you survive the zombies?
Your Result: The Survivor

You can do it, you have the brains and the power to survive a zombie raid. Well, now you've survivored, you can now settle down with the other survivors of the raid and discuss a good way to fix the town and how to use the zombies that didnt die as effective as possible. GOOD LUCK!

Zombie food
Will you survive the zombies?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

March 13, 2010

Bujinkan Training I

Last week I tried to go to a Bujinkan session. However, there was some miscommunication from them to me about the time and place to go. I ended up going to a place that had no class in session!

Anyway, this week I went to the right place at the right time (not as nice of a time, but that is ok). I arrived very early. Siew checked with a guard at the complex and he pointed us to the right place. We were not sure that we were in the right place. So I called the instructor to find out.

He said that we were in the right place, but class was not to start until 16:30. We waited for a long time and still no one had shown up. I was starting to worry that we were in the wrong place, and about to call him again when some other people showed up. They were waiting for the class to begin as well.

It turns out that it is the practice that class begins at 17:00, but that students should arrive around 16:30 to warm-up. Today everyone was late.

So, when the instructor finally showed up, he asked me a few questions about what I have studied before. I told him what I had studied, well the main martial art that I studied anyway.

Then the lesson began. He started us off with an exercise that you run and then change direction. When you change direction you drop low and pull an arm over your head to protect your body. We ran back and forth doing this for a time before he showed us how to use that as a dodge to evade strikes and help block potential strikes that would hit your body.

Then, we practiced evasion using what we had just learned. He used a padded stick, more so with us beginners, and would swing it at us at an angle so we would have to use the correct dodge or be struck.

We continued this, but he changed to a bokken (wooden sword) and had different people swinging at each. He also encouraged using more than just diagonal slashes. We ended up having to dodge a variety of things.

After that, he talked to us about getting in closer to the armed person. He said that we should try to move before the assailant moves. This way we have a better chance to stop the blade, move out of the way of the blade or to control the blade. Then we practiced this in the same fashion as above.

Next, we did some rolls. We started with side rolls. The idea being to roll your shoulder down first, roll onto your back and then over to the other side, coming up on your feet ready to fight or run. We then followed this up with drills rolling to each side under a stick, trying to tuck ourselves under the stick as tightly as possible.

Then, we did some backwards rolls. This started with the instructor asking if I know how to roll backwards. I said that I do. He asked me to show him. I did. He then teased that I do not need to study Bujinkan. He was implying that my rolls were quite good already. After some demonstration from him regarding backwards rolls, we followed up with more drills.

After the class, I talked with the instructor a little. He has classes in other locations. He said that I can attend as many of the classes as I want. The cost of the class per month went up 10 Ringgit, but considering that I can attend Saturday and Sunday classes, in different locations, I think the small increase per month is acceptable.

I had a lot of fun.

Ok, now for the rough stuff. I am bruised pretty badly. The place we were doing all of this was on a wooden floor. No padding at all to soft the falls. Only your own ability. More realistic and practical, yes. More jarring to the body, yes. My elbows, knees, and my right ankle are bruised and a little bit cut-up from the wooden tiles.

I do not really mind that. I will toughen up in time. Nonetheless, I think I will look into some inexpensive padding.

The class structure was much different than I expected. The instructor is not formal about things at all. He is very casual, but we still learn and have more fun that way I think. Normally, Japanese martial arts classes are very ritualized. I expected that this would be the case here. I think I like it better, for now, for NOT being ritualized. I am there to learn things and enjoy myself, not to be even more rigid, mentally, than I already am.

I am looking forward to attending next week!

For those of you who do not know what Bujinkan is, please click here.

If you are too lazy to read that, then I will say this:

Bujinkan is the culmination of several forms of Ninjutsu into what I call modern Ninjutsu. This is the closest thing to Ninjutsu in existence today. It is the art of the modern Ninja.

March 11, 2010



So, I tried my home-made kimchi today. I had left it to sit for 3 days before eating any. It is quite spicy and more sour than I expected.

The kimchi that I eat from Korean restaurants is usually not sour, but the taste otherwise is dead-on with my own, I think. The only thing different is that I added no garlic or onion to mine. I am a vampire, I do not like garlic nor onion and Siew is currently a vampire, she can not take the smell or taste of garlic right now.

I did not allow Siew to try my kimchi though. If there is any problem, I want to be the only one affected by it. If I test out ok and do not feel any ill-effects, then I will allow her to sample the kimchi.

Next time, if this batch turns out to be totally ok (it should be fine, but I am a worry-wort) then I will try adding about 1/4th to 1/3rd less salt the next time around.

I used local chili powder and dried chili instead of buying the more expensive, imported from Korean "traditional" chili flakes.

My co-workers and bosses all want to try my kimchi. According the Koreans it is hard to make. I have to say that this is NOT hard to make at all!

Here is how to make kimchi in a nutshell:

wash and cut cabbage
add salt and water to a bowl
put the cabbage into the bowl
put something to press the cabbage into the salt water on top
Soak for 24 hours
rinse cabbage off
mix chili powder and dried chili in a bowl
add cabbage to the mixture
mix thoroughly with rubber-glove covered hands
stuff (really!) the mixture into a sealable jar
stick the jar on your counter
leave the jar for 2-3 days
if you so desire, every day push the cabbage into the brine

A lot of steps? Not at all. This took very little work to make. Waiting takes a lot of time, but waiting is NOT hard.

Anyway, if I am still alive later I will post more things.


March 10, 2010

Again with the long delay in posting

So, I've been lazy about posting recently.

I haven't any excuse. I have been using the evil facebook to play games and sort of re-connect with some old friends. I'm pretty lazy about talking with people online, or trying to reach them through the phone for that matter.

I used to believe that my friends were my family, closer to me than my own family was. Then, I joined the military and shortly after that had graduation from high school ceremonies. After that, things started to change. People started leaving to go to school. They were moving on in their lives. I was not.

I thought that the military would give me more options and help me to go to school. Due to a series of events that I encountered, coupled with my own inability to finish things completely or correctly, I was never able to go to school the way I intended at that time.

Later I was depressed and became incredibly pathetic. I won't detail how pathetic here, I am already melancholy enough as things are. However, those of you who knew me during that time, will also know that I was in a sad state. That's past, I'm recovered, mostly, now.

When I "moved" to Lawrence I was able to meet up with people that I considered to be my friends. If I had known how things would have turned out. . . well I won't go there. In the end my friends betrayed me, part of which was my own fault and the rest was because they were a bunch of fuck-sticks who I should not have called friends in the first place, I just didn't know it yet.

Now, however, I am in Malaysia and doing well. I have a job that pays me fairly well. I have a beautiful wife, I have a car, my health, a child on the way, and things have a lot more potential for me here in Malaysia than they ever have held for me in the States.

Recently, I have been plagued by dreams that range from funny to frightening. I woke up earlier than I planned today because of these sorts of dreams.

I know I haven't been posting. I have some great post ideas, but I haven't put myself in front of the keyboard long enough, with motivation to do it, to write up a post and upload the images for the posts that I want to put up. Instead, I have stuck my butt in front of the computer playing stupid shit on facebook.

That being said, I am going to delete all of my game accounts on facebook aside from the one that takes up the least amount of my time, CaféWorld. I've wasted way too much time playing these stupid games. I can be doing helpful things like sweeping and mopping instead!

On a side note, I'm being lazy today, writing a lot of contractions that I shouldn't be.