March 2, 2009

Well, Crap.

This semester has been a rough semester.

I have to teach level 3 grammar. I haven't taught this before, of course, and no one gave me any pointers before starting the month. The school really should address changes between levels rather than assuming that everyone knows everything about every-mother-fucking-thing.

I'm really pissed.

The students complained about me. Which is understandable. The month began 1 day later than normal and I was out of school for 2 days because I bit my tongue and held it in my sleep. This made the left side of my tongue flat and hurt a lot. I have done this before, but never as badly as this time. So a lot of material that should have been covered wasn't.

Apparently my style of teaching doesn't suit this group of students either. We have 55 minutes mon-thur to teach each class, 45 minutes on fri. If the teachers write all of the notes on the board then a huge amount of time is wasted. Teacher writing and then students copying. Why not give the students the notes beforehand and cover examples after that? Well, apparently my school doesn't like this and this batch of students also does not like it.

A note, previous classes didn't mind this at all.

So, today, the Bitch and another senior teacher "talked" to me. If the other teacher hadn't have been there I'd have walked out. The Bitch cannot give constructive criticism to save her life.

I've been feeling inept about teaching this class as it is, let alone them calling me on it in such a shitty way.

I'd like to quit and find another job, but I don't know if I can find another one, nor do I know if I will encounter the same bullshit somewhere else or not.

So far they have made ZERO attempt at progress on my work-visa. I was hoping that a former colleague of mine would give a letter of reference to help me out, she said she would but she hasn't replied again since. I think she's busy with her own life.

I have to take another trip out of this place this month to reset my visa, again, because of all of this. I have a piece of paper that says they'll give me a work visa. I do not like working illegally.

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