March 25, 2009

Tabasco Sauce and Mark's Chili Sauce

I like chili sauces that are not sweet. Here in Malaysia Chili Sauce is almost always SWEET.

I typically enjoy using Tabasco on my foods. It is a salty, sour, spicy sauce.

Here in Malaysia Tabasco is not cheap like it is in the States. A mid-sized bottle of Tabasco is about 4.30$ USD here in Malaysia. For not much more, I can buy a huge bottle in the States.

I do not want to pay 16 Ringgit every few months for hot sauce! So I decided to make my own.

Siew's mother bought some nice peppers to use. Some were Thai Peppers and some were another, larger and not as hot, type of pepper.

Before she purchased the peppers for me I read a bit about making my own version of Tabasco at this site. When I made my sauce, last night, I didn't follow this recipe. I winged it, using what I learned from reading from that site.

Here's what I did:

Washed the chili peppers, 11 of each type
Used scissors to cut the chili peppers into slices
Put the peppers in a pot
Added water to cover
Added a little bit of salt
Added apple cider vinegar (not sure how much, I always eye things instead of measuring)
Brought the mixture to a boil and then turned the heat down
Let it bowl softly for 20 minutes
Took it off the heat and let it cool to room temperature
Poured the mix into a blender
Blended the mix into pureé
Used a sieve to strain the chunks from the liquid
Added the chunks and a small amount of water back into the blender
Pureéd again
Sieved the mixture again

The sauce is fairly spicy, but not overpowering, and not as sour as Tabasco. Even Siew's mother, who HATES sour things, likes my sauce.

I guess I do not need to buy Tabasco anymore. :-)