February 7, 2010

Avatar/Avatar 3D

We managed to get seats to Avatar 3D today.

Previously we watched Avatar while we were in Penang, but we could not get seats for the 3D showing.

Avatar is a really good movie. I think everyone should see it. Hopefully they learn a little from it. Maybe, just maybe, it can help people pick their heads out of their butts regarding the world around them. . . but then again, maybe not. People enjoy the taste of their own livers too much for that to happen.

Avatar 3D is a really awesome movie. The theater was cold, but we survived that through the enchanted glass that provided us with a much better glimpse of Pandora and the Na'vi.

Please go watch the movie. James Cameron is going to make more if the movie does well (it has already done EXTREMELY well and will continue to beat old records along the way), so we should expect to see more movies in the years to come.

Go watch it.

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