December 28, 2008

Damned good anime

I started watching Busou Renkin on the recommendation of a co-worker.

I downloaded all of it a lot time ago while I was still in the states but never watched even part of one episode.

I have a lot of fan-sub anime that way actually. I have around 760gig of fan-subs that I have only watched MAYBE 25% of despite continuing to download. I left at least 30% more in the states on dvd-data backups. Hopefully Chris is enjoying everything!

Busou Renkin is about a boy who dies trying to save a girl who is attacked by a monster. It turns out she hunts these monsters and uses a kakugane (alchemic weapon) to save his life. After that he ends up helping her to fight these monsters.

The animation is pretty good and the story is addictive. It may be a bit banal for shonen, but after awhile all shonen seems similiar. However! Not all shonen is as addictive as this. Bleach and espcially Hunter X Hunter have this kind of addictive quality as well.

Last night I worked out almost all of the rules for my board game. Once I'm finished with the rules I'll start making the cards themselves. After that it's print and cut time. I'm not sure if I want to use pictures for the cards or not at this point. It would be nice, but it's a lot more work, so we'll see. I might do that anyway since it'll give the game more polish, and help to explain things that not everyone knows the words for here in Malaysia.

I can't assume everyone's a sci-fi geek like me. I'm trying to make the game as quick and simple as possible to make it more appealing. We'll see how well I do when we get around to trying it out.

Well, I'm going to watch more Busou Renkin now, bye bye.

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